OMAGEMI is a game of chance. Using conversation cards, it helps groups discuss dilemmas and explore the emotional landscapes that emerge from the use of medications in pregnancy. It's about making collective knowledge visible, getting people talking across divides and hierarchies, and finding ways forward together when there is no perfect outcome.
"Questions posed by (semi)chance allowed a different conversation to take place - to be both professional and patient."
Dr Steve Killick, Storytelling for Health and Wellbeing Symposium 2024, Cardiff, University of South Wales.
This stimulating discussion game offers an opportunity to participate in a science/arts cross-discipline event, seeing familiar problems from a new perspective. The event was created by our company of artist-parents, some with experience of birth trauma, working in collaboration with clinician researchers. This experience does not involve role play!
Our aim is to contribute to a healthier
research culture leading to better outcomes.